Painting murals allows me to embed a message and share it publicly, even for those who do not seek it. It offers me a much larger medium to add detailed visuals to share the idea, vision, and inspiration.
Misión De La Baja California
Mulegé, BCS
Acrylic on concrete wall
2.30 x 1.66 meters

Mulegé, BCS
Acrylic on concrete wall
2.30 x 1.66 meters
Mission Santa Rosalía de Mulegé is located in the oasis of Mulegé, in the Mulegé Municipality, northeastern Baja California Sur state, México.
The mission was founded in 1705 by the Jesuit missionary Juan Manuel de Basaldúa and financed by the Marqués de Villapuente at a ranchería of the local Cochimí people known as Mulegé, on the eastern Baja California Peninsula, in Viceroyalty of New Spain.
Sierra de San Francisco
Mulegé, BCS
Acrylic on concrete wall (hallway)
4.34 m horizontal x 5.05 m vertical

Video by Chris Glass
Mulegé, BCS
Acrylic on concrete wall (hallway)
4.34 m horizontal x 5.05 m vertical
Video by Chris Glass
The request for a “cave painting” in an enclosed stairwell sounded easy, until you recognize that Baja cave paintings are not in caves, but on rock walls underneath rocky ledges. The hallway needed to be transformed into the scene of where the paintings would be found based on an actual location in Baja California Sur.
I have so much respect for the ancient artists that created the actual paintings with such simple, but accurate detail in such extreme locations. Also, I have much gratitude for Harry Crosby and his book, “The Cave Paintings of Baja California” which so wonderfully documents these archeological treasures.
Loma Azul
Mulegé, BCS
Acrylic on concrete wall
2.70 x 0.90 meters

Mulegé, BCS
Acrylic on concrete wall
2.70 x 0.90 meters
Scene showing the mouth of the river, which gives life to the town of Mulegé (Baja California Sur). You can see Bahía Concepción in the distance.
Of course, this is not the sight that one can appreciate today. An imaginary is illustrated before the construction of the Loma Linda hotel, which is now in ruins.
Thank you to Bill and Dori, for the opportunity to paint this mural in your home.
Mulegé, BCS
Acrylic on concrete wall
1.63 x 3.05 meters

Mulegé, BCS
Acrylic on concrete wall
1.63 x 3.05 meters
Life in the desert.
In this scene one shows life. They pass by stealthily. The day requires perseverance, but there is always a moment of rest.
They have eaten, hunted, stalked, created a home and flowered. And once the task is finished, they are not judged… in fact, it has already been forgotten.
If the stalked has survived the threat, its heart has already settled. The fish that was taken to the skies giving its last “flutters” contemplates what it never saw before.
In the scene, life passes and there is no judgment. There is no animal or supreme court before the immense reflection, which is an allegory of the perfect balance of the desert. They continue their existence. There are looks between them, but we do not know their thoughts. It is not necessary to inquire.
It is observed and not judged, because when judging, one condemns, and when condemning, innocence is left on the ground, buried, and dead.
The innocent does not judge. Nature does not judge. It simply exists.
The Wodarczak Panorama
Mulegé, BCS
Acrylic on concrete wall
1.17 x 4.80 meters

Mulegé, BCS
Acrylic on concrete wall
1.17 x 4.80 meters
A morning scene of the Mulegé river from the water tower of the old abandoned hotel in the neighborhood of Loma Azul. The vultures bathing in the morning sun. This is a place that quickly returns to the earth where it came from.
The Sun as a starfish and the Moon as a whale shark witness the endless cycle of life, death and rebirth.

Infinito Ojo
Mulegé, BCS
Acrylic on concrete wall
Life is an infinity sphere where all its parts coexist within each other. There is no life nor death. If you pay attention, my brother, you’ll hear a surge that comes from the depths of your heart, a rhythm that repeats without end and shapes everything we see.
Outside where nature thrives, this rhythm is more clear. You can hear and see it in the birds, the sea, the stars. All spins eternally in this divine moment when we exist, but so many have forgotten this.
The Peninsular Dream
Mulegé, BCS
Acrylic on concrete column
A perspective that we don’t see often, like laying down and watching the morning sky. The horizon line doesn’t disappear but becomes a curve. The circle is closed, so the vanishing points are infinite and coexist together.
I dreamt that I existed between the fire and water. They are in perfect balance, sharing love between each other. From that love, life explodes. However, if separated or in excess, their life bringing essence would die.

As Above So Below
Mulegé, BCS
Acrylic on concrete
2020 / 2021

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